• Become a parishioner
    4 FADE
    Become a parishioner /join-our-parish-communities _self
    Request a Mass Intention or Spiritual Bouquet The Mass book is open through March 31, 2025! You can request a Spiritual Bouquet for any month at any time. /spiritual-bouquets _self
    Google Maps https://maps.app.goo.gl/9amnTribC1Nitftk9 _blank
    Prayerful Gentle Stretch Thursdays at 9:30am in the STA Classrooms /prayerful-gentle-stretch _self
    Welcome to the Rev. Matthew J. Twiggs Center! /the-rectory-at-sjv _self
    The STA/SJV Prayer Shawl Ministry Request a prayer shawl for yourself or a loved one! Request Form /request-a-prayer-shawl _self
    Rent Madonna Hall for your next function. Click to learn more /madonna-hall _self
    The STA cemetery offers burial plots and a Columbarium Click to learn more /cemetery _self